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How to Save Game The Sims Freeplay

Save game results is the most important thing that gamers must do. Because we don't know what will happen in the next minute or hour. It could be that your Smartphone is damaged, hangs, falls in the middle of the forest, falls into the former, who knows.

By saving the game, you can open the game you used to play on Smartphone A to Smartphone B with the same number of simoleons, LP, VIP, SP Levels, and progress when you last saved the Sims Freeplay Game.

You can Save a game using Cloud. You can find the cloud button in the game menu as shown below
After you click Cloud, you will be asked to log in to Facebook. Facebook is the key to your game. After the storage process is complete. Then your game will be saved for 7 days. If it has passed 7 days, the storage of your game will be lost.

To Restore, or move the game you used to play on Smartphone A to Smartphone B with the same number of simoleons, LP, VIP, SP Levels, and progress when you last saved the game, all you have to do is open the first page of the game, and click "Download Save Data" as drawn
Enter the Facebook account that you used to save the previous game. With this you will get your The Sims Freeplay game back.