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Explanation of the Live Event of The Sims Freeplay

Live events are events that have a time limit. Which if you don't play it at the specified time, you will miss this event. Live events always appear whenever there is a game update from The Sims Freeplay, if when there is an updated notification of the game and you don't update it, you will not get a notification of a live event, so you won't be able to follow it.

Live events have the same task. But the prize given is very interesting and fun. Usually the gifts given are furniture or clothes for sim that will not be obtained through Sunset Mall or home store.

The task of the Live event is to collect Craft using the Station. This craft is used to open prizes in this event.

To get a prize, you must fulfill the progress of the event bar which is usually in the upper left corner. Once fulfilled, and the prize is open, you must collect the craft needed to buy the gift.

The process is quite long, tiring and impossible to complete if you first play this event. You should always check the game every time they finish crafting and immediately instruct them to do it again and again. If you spend a little time and ignore this live event, then you will lose the chance to get all the prizes. Even though, if you concentrate on this live event, it is not necessarily possible to complete this event on time. Very pessimistic. But the reality is like that. But don't worry, it's not just you who can't complete this event on time. Because many simers experience the same thing.


There will be a notification when the live event starts. Click "Start Collecting" to start the Live Event. Live events also provide special tasks at the beginning of the event. Actually this task seems to teach you how to run a Live Event.

Almost all Live Events have the same task. The following are the tasks:

Place a Craft Station = Open the Home store EVENT section, place "Candle Station" into the sim house. You can only buy 4 candle stations and other stations can only be purchased after you unlock them

Make some arts and craft item = Click candle station, select "Make 50 candle".

Tip: Directly buy 4 candle stations, and order 4 sim to make the candle right away. because you can immediately collect 200 candles in 23 seconds.

After they finish making a candle, a balloon will appear above the head of the sim. Click the balloon then you will be taken to the event progress tab. Event progress tab can be found in the upper left corner of the screen.

In the event progress bar, you can find out how many candles you get, and how many progresses you have to open prizes from the live event.

Restock a crafting station == Click Station, select "restock 2 use". In using the Station, you must do Restock before making craft. there are two restock options. namely "Restock 18 use" which requires 10SP, and a free "restock 2 use".

TIPS: order 4 sim for restock now so that each station has 2 restock.

Buy the first prize from the live event = Open the progress bar, scroll down, then you will see the prize with the "purchase" button. Click the Purchase button. This prize requires 50 candles. Remember, you must click "purchase" on all existing prizes (if you can click it) then you can get the prize at the home store.

Use a coin flower patch = Open the Home section of the EVENT section, place the coin flower patch on the sim home page. Click Coin flower patch, then select "Spin Plant"

Check the daily goal = Click the event progress bar, open the Daily Goal tab, click "Claim"

Collect Bonuses = When using a station, wait a while, craft items will appear above the sim head. Click the item to collect bonuses

Continue collecting arts and craft item = Continue to collect craft until the live event ends or until you get all the live event prizes.

There are 3 stages that you must do at the live event,  Collecting, Unlock, Purchase

After you complete the task above, instruct the sim to continue collecting candles and other craft.

There are 4 Craft stations that you can use in this Event. Among others are:
a. Candle Station
b. Pottery Station
c. Jewelry Station
d. Glassware Station

Price of Candle Station:
First purchase price: Geratis
Second: S2,000
Third: S4,000
Fourth: S10,000

You can buy a maximum of 4 candle stations.

Pottery Station Price:
First Purchase: S5,000
Second: S7,500
Third: S10,000
Fourth: S15,000

You can buy a maximum of 4 pottery stations.

Jewelry Station Price:
First Purchase: S7,500
Second: S15,000
Second: S20,000

You can buy a maximum of 3 Pottery

Price of Glassware Station:

First purchase: S7,500
Second: S25,000

You can buy a maximum of 2 Glasswere Station

When you click the candle station, several options will appear:
Make 250 candles (2 hour 30 minutes)
Make 360 ​​Candle (4 hour 30 minutes)
Make 455 Candle (6 hour 30 minutes)
Make 510 Candle (8 hour 30 minutes)

When viewed, the choice that produces lots of candles is that it requires 8 hours 30 minutes. But actually if you do the option 2 hours 30 minutes 3 times (which means it takes 7 hours 30 minutes) you will get 750 candles!

So if you can do the fastest repeat option, you can get more candles. But, if you are busy all day in the real world, then it is better to choose the option that requires the longest time is 8 hours 30 minutes. That way you will not waste live time and do not need to check the game every hour.

This also applies to other stations.

Remember, you have to do restock when the stock station is up.

There are two Restock options:

Restock 18 uses = Get 18 stocks, which means you can use the station as much as 18x before having to restock again. Requires 10SP and finishes instantly

Restock 9 uses = Get 9 stocks, which means you can use the station 9 times before you have to restock again. Free and takes 2 hours 30 minutes.

NOTE: If you sell Station, then you will lose stock. which means if you put the station again in the sim house, you have to do a restock before using it.

If you cancel when using the station, then you will also lose 1 stock. Suppose you have 6 stocks (which means you can use the station 6 times), then you use the station, which means the stock will decrease to 5. And in the middle of using the station you cancel it, then the station will still have 5 stocks. does not mean that you cancel the usage then the stock will return to 6. Understand?

The more craft you collect the more prizes you will get


Try opening the progress bar. Progress with the yellow line will show what items you have unlocked and which have not been, and how much more is needed to open the item.

You are asked to open (unlock) several different items:

Items to be purchased (prizes) = Before you can get a prize, you must unlock the prize. After the prize is open, you are asked to do a "purchase", by collecting the craft and the resources (resources) needed. after you do "puchase" you can find this gift at the home store.

Constructor Coin = this is one of the resources needed to "purchase" a gift from a live event.

Arts and Craft Station = There is another station that must be opened and used as a Candle Station. namely Pottery, Jewelry and Glasswere station. the station is used to collect the craft needed to make a purchase gift

Make sure you immediately put the station you just unlocked to the sim house and instruct the sim to use it so you don't waste time.

If you have unlocked the previous Live Event and have Pottery, Jewelry and Glass Station, you still have to unlock the station before you can use it in this event.

Social Point = Live event requires Social Point to speed up sim work, buy resources. So if the resources needed to "purchase" are lacking, you can use social points to purchase the gifts you want. When event progress is at a certain limit, you will get a free social pount.

To buy gifts from a live event, you must collect resources (resources) in the form of Craft and Constructor Coin. If a gift requires 50 candles and you have 60 candles, then after the "purchase" the rest of your candles are 10. You can find out how many craft you have in the "Current Inventory" table that is located below the bar progres.

If you notice, there is a padlock icon on the left end of the prize list. Prizes that you have not opened (unlock) will show a gray lock closed icon. You must meet the progress of the bar until the padlock image icon turns green / orange.

The orange padlock icon can be seen in picture number one. The icon shows that you have opened the item but, your resource is not enough to buy it. If you don't want to have trouble collecting resources, you can directly purchase using Social points as drawn. But as you can see, many social points are needed. You better keep collecting craft using the station and using Spin Plant to get Constructor Coin

NOTE: To find out how many resources are needed for each item, you can see the number below the craft image. There are 2 numbers. First the top number is the number that shows how many craft and constructor coins you have. the second number below, shows how many craft and Constructor Coin are needed.
The green padlock icon can be seen in figure number two. The icon shows that you have opened the item and have all the resources needed. click "puchase" to buy the item. You can find all the items you bought from the Live Event at the Home Store or the Wardrobe depending on the item you purchased.


You can collect Constructor Coin by:

Through Progress Bar = As you can see, there are several Constructor Coin icons on the progress of the bar. You will get a Constructor Coin every time you pass the Constructor Coin icon in the progress bar.

Complete the Daily Goals = Open the Event bar progress, click the Daily Goal section. Every time you can complete a daily goal task, it will be a "claim" button. Don't forget to always check Daily Gol and make a Claim.

Coin Flower Patcher = There are two types of Coin Flower Patchers.

Spin Plant using 450 Candle and Mega Spin Plant using 25SP. Every time you use Spin Plant, you will get a random Constructor Coin. If you're lucky you can get 125 Constructor Coin at Spin Plant and 500 Constructor Coin at the Mega Spin Plant.

You can only Claim this item after purchasing all available Live Event items:

If you don't have the time to complete on time, you still have a few days after the live event ends to purchase items. But you can no longer collect craft and Constructor Coin. If you find that your resource is not enough, you can use Social points, or wait until this Live Event appears again.

When this Live event ends, all the resources that you collect will be exchanged into Simoleon, so that when your Live event appears your resource returns to 0 and you have to collect it from the beginning.


1. When you first do a Live Event task, immediately buy 4 candle stations, and order 4 sim to make the candle right away. because you can immediately collect 200 candles in 23 seconds.

2. Likewise when doing the first restock, instruct 4 sim to restock together so that each station has 2 restock.

3. Choose the option 2 hours 30 minutes many times, because with this option you will get more craft

4. Don't forget to complete and Claim Daily Goal, because you will get a Constructor Coin as a Claim gift

5. Buy all satations and instruct all sims to participate in this event so that you are faster and gather more resources.

6. Buy all satations and order all sims to participate in this event. That will make you faster and collect more resources.

7.  Keep collecting candles even though you don't need them to buy items. Because Candle can be used for Spin Plant.

8. At the end of the event all Resources will be exchanged into simoleons. So if you have 500 candles, and 49 constructor coins, they will be exchanged for money so that if this live event appears you have 0 candles and 0 constructor coins

9. Don't sell the station that you have purchased even though the event is over. Make a special room to store the station. Because if you sell it, you will lose the stock you have, and you have to restart it before using the station again. So you can still have stock in the previous event to be used in the next event. Remember. in 1 sim house can only have 10 stations, because you can only place maxima 10 sim at the same time in 1 house.

10.This is a Live Event, which means that all Simers in the world will get an Event at the same time. If you are left alone for a day, then you will lose a valuable day. Therefore, Subscribe to The Sims Information Blog, because I will update it in the sidebar !!

Laura Craft is a medium for you who are lazy to collect resources. With Laura Craft, you can buy resources using real money, aka Dollar.

WARNING >> Don't waste money on things that aren't important. Mending the money is made for snacks, to buy an internet quota or even better in a tube or give <<