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Explanation of Life Dream and Orb The Sims Freeplay

When you start Life Dreams and Legacies Quest, sims will start to age automatically, without having to use a birthday cake, sims can grow old automatically when the time comes.

In addition, you can also give Personality to sims. There are several Personality that you can choose (will be explained later) in each personality has a Life Dream. Which if you fulfill the Life Dream in every stage of their age, then when the sims die, they will leave an Orb. The orb can be used to temporarily stop sims, or build buildings on Mysterious Island.

As said above. Sim will age automatically after the time has arrived. Each stage of sim age has a different age.

Baby = 5 days

Toddler = 7 days

Preteen = 8 days

Teen = 12 days

Adult = 24 days

Senior = 9 days

The day in question is a day of time in the real world.

But even though they are called to increase in age automatically, that does not mean it is truly automatic. They also need your help to get to the next age stage. So, they will not age by themselves. They will only get older when you are playing the sims freeplay game, and help the sims go to the next age.

For example: If the baby's sim is 5 days, he won't suddenly change shape into a toddler. You have to help him in the process of increasing his age. So, even though the baby sims are 7 days old, he will still be a babby until you help him become a toddler (the full explanation will be discussed later)

How to provide Personality on sims in The Sims Freeplay
To add personality when creating a sim, you can click the tab that has been provided, like the following picture
Or you can also give a personality to the sim that does not have it by clicking the closet, select "Browse Clothes". In the place where you change your sim shirt, there will be a personality tab, you can give personality to the sims there

In the personality tab there are several choices, including:

Sporty, Geeky, Entertainer, Animal Fanatic

How to Change the Personality of the Sims Freeplay

Remember if you change the Personality of all Life Dream progresses that you have done will disappear and return to 0%.

The way to change personality in The Sims Freeplay is to open the Life Dream tab, the Kik symbol circled in the picture below:

Life Dream Guide and how to get the The Sims Freeplay Orb

1. Choosing a Life Dream
Open Simtracker, click the Life Dream tab. There will be a sim image with the "Choose Life Dream" button.

Sims who enter the list on the Life Dream tab, only sim that have been given or have personaity. If the sim you want is not found on the Life Dream tab, you must first give it personality in the manner described above.

Life Dream options will also appear when the sim gets older. You can choose directly, or click "not now" and choose it later through the Life Dream tab.

You will be given 3 choices of Life Dream. Please choose the one you want. If there is nothing you like in that choice, click "not now", then click the "Choose Life Dream" button again, then you will be provided with another choice.

Choose the easiest and most suitable Life Dream for you. Match here means that it matches your life in the real world. If you have a busy life in the real world and don't have much time to play The Sims Freeplay, then choose a Life Dream that takes a long time.

For example, you should not choose Life Dream "I want to read encyclopedia from bookself" which only takes 3 hours to do, if you can't open or play freeplay every 3 hours. Choose a Life Dream "I want to write letters to sci-fi celebrities on the computer" which requires 6 hours. That way you only need to open freeplay once every 6 hours, to complete the task, and order it to do the task again. Because to fulfill the progress of Life Dream requires action many times.

To find out how long it takes for each Life Dream, click here

2. Do the Life Dream you choose

Some Life Dream offers several options, such as Life Dream "I want to hear about entertaining by watching TV!" The Life Dream is done by clicking TV. You can choose the choice you like. I prefer to choose an option that takes a long time like "Movie Marathon". Because according to my experience, the longer the option you choose, the faster the progress of the Life Dream bar will be filled.

To find out if it's really an option to do Life Dream tasks, you can see the cloud symbol as drawn

Pay attention to the Symbol every time you do the Life Dream task, so you don't choose the wrong option.

Every time the sim finishes the Life Ddream task, a cloud symbol will appear above the sim head

3. Sims age
After the Life Dream Progress is fully filled, Sim can get older. A warning like this will appear

Click yes if you want the sim to age at that time. Click No if you don't want to do it now.

You can also increase your age by clicking "Advance Age" on the Life Dream tab

Or you can wait until the sim age runs out naturally, by waiting for the green environment on the sim head to turn red

The green circle shows the progress of the sim age. If the green circle is full, the circle will turn red. The red circle indicates that the sim is ready to get older

Repeat from number 1 to number 3 repeatedly until the sim becomes senior.

After the senior sim completes the Life Dream, there will be a sign as shown below on the Life Dream tab
NOTE: You cannot give an orb that has a senior sim to another sim, before the senior sim dies

Now your senior sim can enjoy the rest of his life calmly, or you can kill him so that he can get the inheritance of the orb they have.

Open Age Control in Simtracker, Click on the image below, if you want the senior sim to die faster. Or you can also do it in the Life Dream tab, click "Advance Age".

After clicking the symbol, a warning will open as shown below

Click "Advance" to make the senior die. After clicking, an exclamation mark will appear above the head of the sim. Click the exclamation mark. A warning will appear as shown below

Click "yes", and wait for the life revocation process by Grim Rapper. After the life revocation process is complete and the senior sim disappears, the orb will appear on the senior sim place.

How to save the Orb Sims Freeplay

Click the Orb left by the senior sim, then select "Add to Inventory"

After you save the Orb. There are two things you can do using the Orb:

1. Giving Orb to another sim
When you give personality to the sim, you will see a sign like the following.

The sign shows that I have an orb on Entertainer Personality. Click the orb image if you want to give the orb to the sim. You can also click the "No Life Orb" button if you don't want to give orb to the sim.

There are 3 types of Orb in The Sims Freeplay namely Bronze Orb, Silver Orb, Gold Orb and Platinum Orb. Each Orb has a different color according to its type

How to get each type of The Sims Freeplay Orb:

The first Sim to complete a Life Dream, will produce a Bronze Orb.

After the Bronze Orb is given to the next sim or the second sim, then the second sim completes its Life Dream, then the second sim will produce a Silver Orb.

After Silver Orb is given to the next sim or the third sim, then the third sim completes its Life Dream, then the third sim will produce a Gold Orb

After the Gold Orb is given to the next sim or the fourth sim, then the fourth sim completes its Life Dream, then the fourth sim will produce a Platinum Orb

Bronze to Silver

Silver to Gold

Gold to Platinum

2. Using Orb to build

If you don't want to put it on a sim, and choose to use it to build it, don't use the Orb, and click on "No Life Orb" each giving personality.

On Mysterious Island almost all places need Orb to build it.

Here's a list of the building on Mysterious Island and how many Orb information is needed for the sim to build it:

Geeky orbs = Arcade
1 Bronze Geeky orb, 1 Silver Geeky orb

Sporty orbs = Beach
2 Bronze Sporty orbs, 2 Silver Sporty orbs

Entertainer orbs = Carnival
5 Bronze Entertainer orbs, 2 Silver Entertainer orbs

Animal Fanatic orbs = Pet Park
2 Bronze Animal Fanatic orbs, 4 Silver Animal Fanatic Orbs

After you build the place, you also have to build several places in it. The place can only be built using an Orb


You can also make the sim live forever without having to age. Click here to find out more about Pause Sim

Frequently asked questions:

Why can't I give my Personality sims?
You must complete the life dreams and legacies quest before you can give Personality (personality) to the sims

If I don't give personality or Life Dream, will the sim keep aging automatically?
Yes, they will continue to age automatically even though you don't give personaality or Life Dream

Where is the Life Dream tab?
It's on Simtracker, you know about hobbies, careers, and relationship sims

What happens if I change the personality sim that I gave Orb before? Will the Orb disappear or remain in the inventory?
You will not lose the Orb, you will find it next to the body of the Sim whose Personality you changed so that you can put it back into the inventory.

When choosing Life Dream, is it better to choose a task that takes longer or shorter?

For those of you who don't have a lot of time to play The Sims Freeplay, it's better to choose a Life Dream task that takes longer, because you don't need to open the game often. But everything still suits the taste.

But indeed completing the Life Dream task by using longer options will more quickly fulfill the Life Dream progress. But according to the time needed. The longer, the more progres you get. The shorter, the less progress you get. But, by doing what takes a short time many times in the amount of time that takes a long time, it will also give a lot of progress, so it's the same. Confused? Try reading again slowly

Can I fulfill Life Dream sims in one age stage?

Filling in with the progress of Life Dream does require a long time. So sometimes when the sim hasn't fulfilled its Life Dream progress, a warning appears that the sim is ready to get older.

But actually it doesn't matter, even though the sim hasn't finished the Life Dream at that age.

For example: The toddler sim just filled Life Dream progress by 70%, then suddenly, a warning appeared that the Toddler sim was ready to become a Preteen sim. It's okay if you change the sim toddler to sim preteen. The progress will still be stored.

If you still want to complete Life Dream in toddler age, even though there has been an age increase warning, you can click "No". Which means that the sim will still be a toddler and you have 7 more days to complete the Life Dream before the Toddler is ready to add more age to Preteen

The most important thing is that when your sim is senior, the Life Dream must be completed before the senior sim dies to get the Orb.

It's just that, if you don't fulfill the Life Dream progress in every age stage, then when you are a senior, you will need more time to fulfill the progress of the Life Dream.

But calm down. You can click "Reserve" when there is a warning that the senior sim is ready to die.

Why doesn't my sim get an Orb when they die?

Sim will not give Orb when he dies if he does not complete the Life Dream task.

Is there a way for the sim to age or to age faster?
There are three ways:
1. After you finish the Life Dream sim, you can immediately make the sim go to the next age by clicking "Advance" on the Life Dream tab

2. Instruct sim to perform tasks or activities that require a long time such as Hibernate. Because the more often sim performs activities, the faster the sim will get older / older

3. You can also immediately accelerate the age of the sim by clicking Advance on the Age Controler tab. But you need 2LP to do this

Do I still need Birthday Cake after completing Life Dreams & Leagcies Quest?
No. But you can also use Birthday Cake if you want. But doing Advance in Age Controler was cheaper than using Birthday Cake

What will happen to the sim house if the occupant dies? Will the house be automatically deleted?

No. The house will remain, and will become an empty house. You can move the other sim to the house, delete it, or just leave it blank

What happened to Pet whose owner died?

He still stays in the deceased sim house. Pet can't die. You can also move the pet to another sim house by clicking the pet, select "Relocate"

Can I move the Toddler to another sim house when the toddler's parents die?
Yes you can. When a toddler becomes an orphan, another sim can adopt it in a way, the person who wants to adopt the toddler must have a "Good Friend" relationship with the toddler. Then click Toddler, then the "Adopt" option will appear

If one of the toddler parents is still alive, you cannot adopt it

Will other sim mourn when a sim dies?

No. The Sims Freeplay doesn't give emotion like that on the sim

Can we revive the deceased sim?
No, he will disappear for a long time