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Cities and Buildings in The Sims Freeplay

There are many types of buildings in The Sims Freplay. This building can be built using simoleons, LP, or by using special materials for buildings on Mysterious Island.

Every time you build a building or house, your Town Value Simtown will increase. The more Town Value amounts, the greater the Reward income you earn.

NOTE: You cannot do 2 developments at a time. You must complete the construction or repair process before you can just do a new construction or repair.

Building buildings in sim city
There are 3 areas in the sim city, click on each link to find out more information:


You need to complete the Quest and fulfill some requirements to be able to build most of the buildings in Simtown:

HOUSE (Standart Residance)

PREMIUM HOUSE (Premium Residance)
The house symbol, as shown in the picture, is empty land that a house can build. Just click on the symbol, so you will be provided with a choice of homes from the low price to the price using SP. If the house symbol is gray, it means that you are in the process of building another building or the number of houses that you own is maximal.

There are 2 types of houses in The Sims Freeplay namely Standart House (house with blue symbol) and Premium House (House with yellow symbol). The new Premium House will open after you complete Ocean View State Quest. Premium house has a wider page

You can't carelessly build a house. There is a limit to the number of houses in each level. You have to raise the game level to be able to add a sim and a new home.

Besides having a choice of houses that you can directly occupy, you can also buy vacant land, so you can make and design your own house.

Next I will explain how to build a sim house. Click each link provided to find out more information:

Building, Removing and Changing Room Size = the first step to making a house

Adding Stairs = after completing the MultiStory Renovations Quest, you can add stairs in the sim house 

Adding a Swimming Pool = after completing Its All Going Swimmingly Quest, you can add a Swimming Pool 

Add Patios = after completing DIY HOMES: Peaceful Patios Quest you can add a terrace in the sim house 

Add Balcony = after completing DIY HOMES: Lovey-Dovey Balconies Quest You add a balcony in the sim house 

Add Basements = after completing DIY Homes: Basement of Kings Quest you can create a room in the sim house 

Add Mezzed = After completing DIY Homes: All Mezzed Up Quest, you can make mazzed inside the sim house 

Can I delete the sim house that I have already built?
Yes. To delete the sim house, the house must be empty. You have to move the sim and the pet to another place. You cannot thirst or evict the sim house if there is still a sim or pet inside.

Click the sim house that you want to delete, select "Dimolish"

Have you built an amazing house that you want to share with others?
You can also send your home made to EA for review. And if Ea likes your home design, they will display your home on architects homes.

Click here to find out how to Submiting a House

Part Boat is used to visit neighbors. Here is where you complete Social Tasks.

Is a ship that will take you to 2 cool islands !! The two islands are Tropical Romance Island (a romantic island, where there are special facilities for couples sim) and Magical Rainforest (Island with fairy themes)

City Park. Here is a gathering place for sim that brings Discovery Quest. Here is also where you do Bird Feeding, Tai Chi and interact with Man Statue (sitting statue)

  This is the building of the career profession. After building this building, sim can work as a police officer

Here is where you meet the Pirates (pirates) in The Pirate and His Goddess Quest. Here is also the first place for sim to do Karate and Balley Hobby.

A place to camp, and do a Survivals and Telling Story Hobby. Here sim can also take a boat on the lake


Workplace as a Firefighter

Snow park used for ice skating

Magic shop, which after you build it, you will be given a Book Of Spells Quest. In this shop you can buy magic items

Gives you an additional sign model when building it

Hobby and career equipment stores

A place to buy pets

After you build this shop you can get various kinds of swimsuits that you can find in the Wardrobe.

Special shop for children's toys and equipment such as baby cots etc.

This building can only be built when you get the Sous Judgemental Quest

This is a career Where after you have finished building this building, sim can work as an Artist

After building this, sim can work as a politican

Swimming pool, and place to do the Toddler Playhouse Hobby

After building this, sim can work as a Scient

You can send Preteen sim to school

You can send Teen sim to school

Costume for pets

GYM. Place to do Aerobic Hobby

Building for competition

This is the building of the career profession. After building this building, sim can work as a producer

After building this, sim can work as an Athlete

A building that is deep like a Night Club. You can be a dj, bartender, and dance like a night club activity in general

After you build it, you will be given Sunset Mall Quest. If you can open all shops in the mall, you can use a variety of new clothes and make up for the sim!

Here is also the place to do Catwalk Hobby and Artist Makeup Hobby

Click here to find out how to open all shops at Sunset Mall The Sims Freeplay

After building this, sim can work as a Musician

To buy food ingredients for cooking and seeds for gardening

To buy a car

After building this, the sim can work as a Real Estate Agent


To buy maternity clothes, and to get an A Bumb-Y Ride Quest

This sign can only be built by completing Teen Idol Hobby (collecting all melody items). After that, click "reset collection". Collecting the second item is a way to collect ingredients to build a sign sim.

After Simtown sign is complete, you will get a Teen Idol Mansion for free

Used to go to Downtown


You can only open Mysterious Island after completing The Mysterious Island Quest.

Most of the buildings on mysterious island can only be built using Orb.

Click here for an explanation of the Life of Dreams and Orb The Sims Freeplay

You need to complete missions and other requirements before you can build most of these places:

Boat house, you can build it after upgrading the Monument The Tempest of Bills level 5, and other monument monuments (every time you successfully upgrade monuments to a certain level, you will open houseboats). Like an ordinary house, when you click houseboats, you will be given a choice of houses that are ready to use.

There are 4 monuments on Mysterious Island. Each monument has an impact every time you upgrade

The Flames Of Wisdom
By upgrading this Monument, sim will get XP bonus every time you do any activities, sleep, watch tv, cook, garden, etc. The more upgrading levels, the greater the XP bonus earned

The Riches Of Terra 
By upgrading this Monument, sim will get a bonus simoleons every time you do Gardening, Baking and working activities. The more upgrading levels, the bigger the bonus simoleons you get.

The Tempest Of Bills
Sorry I don't know the purpose of this monument

The Springs Of Fortune
Sorry I don't know the purpose of this monument

Island Volcano
You must upgrade all monuments to level 70 to activate Island Volcano. After you upgrade all the monuments to level 70, then Island Volcano will start active. And it turns out it's not what we imagined. Island volcano takes 24 hours to be ready to be activated. After 24 hours or when Island volcano is active, there will be magma / lava in the volcano island. After you click, Island volcano will not explode or cause an earthquake. But you will get 750 Simoleons and 500XP.

By upgrading Acient Goddess Monument, you can get bonus hobby skills every time you do any bobby, so sim can level up faster because the percentage of skills increases more.

This pirate ship is used to trade resources (resourch) which will produce Ancient in every sailing vessel. You need Artifact, simoleons, SP etc. according to the terms of the ship. You have to wait 24 hours until the ship returns and can be used again. Or you can also speed up your return by using 23LP. Acient is used to upgrade the Goddess Accient

Horse stables, here you can do horse riding hobbies

This is a quiet beach ... :v. Here you can do Surfing Hobby, Snorkle Hobby, and Seashell Hobby.

A cool Carnival !! Here is the place to do Juggling Hobby and High Striker Hobby

Game Center. Here are some arcades that can be used by certain ages, namely Teen, Preteen and Adult. Here is also the place to start Arcade Hobby

You need 2 Bronze ife Orb and 4 Silver Life orb to be able to build a pet park. This building contains a race arena for pets. Here is also the place to do the Cat Show and Dog Agility Hobby

The Cat Show Pavilion requires 1 platinum Life Orb and 3 Golden Life Orb to build it. By building this building, sim and pets can do the Cat Show hobby.

Nine Life Cafe is a hangout for the sim. You need 2 Silver Life Orb and 3 Golden Life Orb

Dog Agility Ground is an arena for sim doing Dog Agility hobbies. You need 3 Silver Life Orb and 2 Golden Orb

After you build the castle, you will be given a Royal Lineage Quest. Here is a place to do Archer Hobby and Jester hobby. After you open the second floor of Castle, you can become a King or Queen who has the authority to govern all the sim throughout the game.

When you click Throne King, there will be several choices, namely:

Rule = Sim will change using the king / queen costum and start reading commands (no effect whatsoever)
Lover's Day = Sim will start reading the rules that in a whole day the whole sim opens his heart so that it is easy to fall in love! wkwk ... After reading this rule, the whole sim will automatically be easier to build a romantic relationship for 24 hours

Nation Hat Day = Sim will start reading out the rules that in a full day the whole sim must wear a hat. After reading this rule, the whole sim will automatically wear a hat with various types of hats for 24 hours

Walk Like Zombies = Sim will start reading the rules that in a full day the whole sim must run like a zombie !! After reading this rule, all sims will automatically run like zombies for 24 hours

Rainy Day = Sim will start reading the rules that in a full day all over the city must rain for 24 hours! (authority, even nature obeys the king's command!)
The circled image shows how many hours the rules will expire

If before 24 hours you want to change the rules, you can speed up using LP. The amount of LP depends on how many hours are left in the previous rules

This building is like a gambling place that can only be used by senior sim. Unfortunately we can't see inside the building.


You must complete Simtown Express Questt to be able to fully access Downtown.

This is the building of the career profession. After building this building, sim can work as a Doctor or Nurse

The system is the same as a normal house, only you have city captures from the top of the building!

After you build this building, you will be given Teacher’s Pet Quest. Downtown Highschool is the place to do the Class Clown Hobby. It looks like a school in general. There are sports fields, classes, laboratory rooms, teacher rooms, and computer rooms

What is the cost and time needed for each development?
Prices and times vary depending on how many buildings you have in the city. For example, every time you build a new house the price will increase for the next house construction but not for the career building and every time you build a new career building, the price will increase for the construction of the next career building but no effect on the house price.