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How to Build a Swimming Pool in The Sims Freeplay

After completing It's All Going Swimmingly Quest, you can add a Swimming Pool on the sim home page! Swimming pool can be used by all ages except Baby and Toddler.

Here's how to build a swimming pool in The Sims Freeplay:

Open Home Store, click the "Pools" section. Do it like making a room. Click the green check to complete the Pool changes

The number of simoleons circled is the price of building a swimming pool

TA DA ... !! You managed to make a swimming pool!

Next, how to change the size of the Sims Freeplay Pool:
Note the white line circled in the image below

Drag the line like when making a Swimming Pool. Click the green check to complete the Pool changes.

Next, How to remove The Sims Freeplay Pool:
To delete a Swimming Pool, all you have to do is click on the center of the Pool until it looks like this

Then click the red symbol. Take it easy, you don't have to bother storing all the swimming equipment in the Pool into the inventory. Because when you delete it, then all the items in it will automatically be stored in the inventory. The number that appears is the simoleon that you get from deleting the Pool.

If there is a red color when building a swimming pool:

Maybe because there are goods or plants nearby. Move the item first so as not to interfere with building

Maybe the pool you made crossed the land boundary. Give a distance of 1 box from the ground line sim to make a swimming pool, even if you want to make a swimming pool near objects, rooms, or other swimming pools.

Maybe the pool that you made is less spacious. At the very least, the pool must have a height of 5 boxes to be successfully built.

REMEMBER! You cannot build a Swimming Pool in a Swimming Pool

You can also change the pool paving motif by opening a home store, clicking "Pool Paving". Click the paving motif that you selected, it will appear green as shown below:

Click on the pool you want to replace the paving.

You can also buy swimming equipment such as diving boards, slides, buoys, etc. in the Home Store section "Pool Items"

Note: You just have to place Pool Ladders so that the sim can come out of the pool

The swimming pool can also be dirty. The dirty swimming pool will be green. Click the pool, select "Clean" to clean the pool

You can use the Diving Board to do a Diving Hobby