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Profession Careen: Medical The Sims Freeplay

After you build a Hospital, you can work as a Medical Staff

NOTE: Hospital is in downlown. You must complete Simstown Express Quest first before building a Hospital.

Profession Career is different from ordinary Career. You can go to work and help him in his work.

When you order the sim to work, there will be 2 choices "Sand Alone" and "Accompany Sim". Sand Alone means that the sim will work alone (like an ordinary career), while Accompany Sim means you will join them to work and gather resources to raise the career sim level. You can only send 2 people to work and accompany him. If you want to send a third sim to work at the same time as the two sims, then he will work "offsite" meaning they will work alone like an ordinary career.

When the sim goes to work in the career profession, in the workplace there will be several sims with balloons on it. They are sims that need your help..
The image in the balloon is the resource that you will get after helping the sim.

If you notice, there is a gray line around the center of the balloon. The number of lines shows how many requests the sim has. You will only get resources after completing all sim requests. If there are 2 lines, it means he has 2 requests, and you must complete the 2 requests to get a prize.

If you succeed in fulfilling one request, the ash line will turn green, a coin balloon will appear above the sim head. Click the balloon to get coins and XP.

Experiance Point will help level up faster. So, helping sim work will make sim sims up level faster than ordering the work sim itself.

After all sim requests are fulfilled, then the entire gray line will turn green, click the balloon to get the resource present

When you build a Movie Studio, there will be 3 Workstations, Scurity Booth, Catering Area and Golf Cart.

Each task is completed at a different workstation and only 1 sim can use 1 workstation in 1 time. To find out which Workstation is used to help sim, look at the posts at the top below

If the workstation is being used, the option will be gray as drawn. If it's like this, help sim by using another workstation, or if you still want to use a workstation that is still in use, you can still click but, it will be recognized by LP.

To find out more fully about the career profession. Read How to complete Profession Career. There will be a more complete explanation.

How many hours of sim work?

Profession career requires 8 hours of work time. If you can meet the sim request quota at work, you can finish work faster and get a bonus. Suppose the task is that you are asked to help 5 sim. If before 12 hours you have helped 5 sim, then your working time will be finished immediately without having to wait 12 hours.

If you order the sim to work alone (Work Offsite) they will work 8 hours but will not get the resources. Because resources can only be obtained by helping sim at workplace. Besides that, sending sim works alone, making them level up longer.

The following is a description of Sim Salary at each level of Medical Staff Career:

1. Intern = S 1250 and 360XP

2. Clerk = S 1400 and 650XP

3. Care Assistant = S 1550 and 980XP

4. Candy Striper = 1660 and 1030XP

5. Pre Med = S 1780 and 1140XP

6. Pre Med = S 1890 and 1320XP

Only 2 sim can be leve 6. Because in level 6 sim will be asked to choose Speciaal Career. There are 2 Special Career options, each special career can only be occupied by 1 SSIM.

Nurse = If you choose a career special as a Nurse, sim can continue to level 7 to level 10 and build a new workstation.

Following is the Sim Salary information at each Nurse Career level:

Level 6 - Nurse Assistant - S1920 and 1200XP - Unlock workstations "Pharmacy"

Level 7 - Nurse Practitioner - S1920 and 1380XP - Unlock "Triage" workstations

Level 8 - Registered Nurse - S1950 and 1560XP - Unlock workstation "Radiology"

Level 9 - Head Nurse - S2000 and 1740XP - Unlock workstation "Wrad"

Level 10 - Chief Nurse - S2000 and 1920XP

Doctor = If you choose a career as a Doctor, sim can continue to level 7 to level 10 and build a new workstation.

Following is the Sim Salary information at each Doctor Career level:
Level 6 - Resident - S1920 and 1500XP - Unlock workstation "General Practice"

Level 7 - Practitioner - S1920 and 1500XP - Unlock workstations "Psychiatrist's Office"

Level 8 - Physician - S1950 and 1680XP - Unlock workstation "Research Laboratory"

Level 9 - Surgeon - S2000 and 1860XP - Unlock workstation "Surgery Room"

Level 10 - Chief Surgeon - S2100 and 2040XP

Profession Menu:
Click the icon in the upper left corner to open the Profession menu. There are 3 tabs in the profession menu including:

Workplace Overview
Here you can see what workstations you have opened, how many levels you care for and how many resources you need to upgrade your workstation
Here you can see how many resources you have collected. At the top there is a bar. It tells you how much storage capacity you have. on the right is the amount of coins you have.

To increase Storage storage space, you can use the coins you get from helping customers.

If you don't have enough coins, you can use LP to increase storage space.

Resource Exchannge
In this Tab you can use Resource Spin or Mega Spin to get resources using simoleon or LP. You can also exchange Coin with the resources you want

Frequently asked questions:

Why does the suitcase icon that is usually made to go to work become orange?
The suitcase icon becomes an orange color indicating that the sim has left for work that day, and has to wait for the next day if you want to go to work again. If you are a VIP level 2 member, you can order the sim to work 2x a day, but you will still be charged 15LP to order the second time to go to work.
Just wait until the next day, and you can order the sim to work without having to become a VIP member.

How do I cancel the sim that is working?

Click on the x mark as drawn. Then it will appear option, Complate Shift, or Cncel Shift. If you choose complate shift, you will be put on an LP, but that means your work progress is limited, and you still get a salary.
How do I level up faster?
There is no other way to level up in the career profession apart from helping sim in meeting sim demands at work.