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How to Get Living Teddy Bear The Sims Freeplay

You must be surprised to see if there are other players who have a teddy bear that can move and do the activities like SIM?

You want to get it but already shug up the whole online store and have not yet found it?

I did the same thing.

At first I thought Living Teddy Bear was sold at the Home Store section decorasion or toddle, but apparently nothing.

But a few weeks later, it arrived I got a Simtown notification Event The Sims Freeplay. And the Sari Prize completed the quest is a Living Teddy Bear!!

Wow!! Very unexpected coincidence.

Well, we can conclude...

That, almost all the prizes of the Simtown Market are prize from event or quest The Sims Freeplay. So, Living Teddy Bear is sure to have its own Event.

And it turns out right! The name is  "The Great Xmas mishup Event".

And the event was last appeared in the year 2014. 

After that, Living Teddy Bear on sale at online store The Sims Freeplay with a price $5.79  (I would not buy it even though it is very wanted:-D)

Of course I can't give a post about  "The Great Xmas Mishup ", because I've never got it.

I am really lucky!

So how do I want to get it?

Waiting for The event to appear, always check online store The Sims Freeplay who knows they are selling it, please wait Simtown Market Event bring the gift.

Prepare a lot of Social points (SP) so you can complete the Simtown Market Event quickly and get the prize!

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