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How to Complete An Alien Concept: Weather Machines Quest

This quest will appear after you complete the Sous Judgment Quest

After you complete this Quest, you can build Snow Park and you can buy a "Weather Machine" (a weather control machine) at the home store in the electronics section with 70,000 simoleons.

After you have the Weather Machine, you can change the weather as you like. it can rain, snow and heat.

Time Limit: 2 days.

Get a prize getting snow outfit. if you can complete the quest for 2 days.

If you can't complete this mission for 2 days, you can still complete the quest, but won't get snow outfit.

How to complete An Alien Concept: Weather Machines Quest The Sims Freeplay

Search for ufos in the park *1 day = go to the city park, then use a telescope. click on the telescope, select "search for UFO".

Be nice to an alien *1 minute = after meeting aliens, click on aliens, choose "be nice".

Become friends with an alien = continue your friendship until it becomes "best friend".

Go to park = Visit city park.

End is nigh on soapbox *12 hours = click soapbox (the chocolate box in the garden), select "end in nigh" (can be done earlier)

Become best friends with an alien = continue your friendship to become "best friend".

Browse internet *4 minutes = click on the computer, select "browse"

Be nice to Osiris = click on aliens, select "be nice". Btw, the name of the alien is osiris.

Spend 16,000 on electronics
= buy electronic items to spend 16,000 simoleons!

Negotiate with a sim eating plant *3 minutes = planting human-eating plants. choose plants that have a green triangle symbol. after the plants are ready to harvest. click the plant, select "negotiatet with plant"

Read fine literature *12 hours = click the bookshelf, select "fine literature" (can be done earlier)

Be rude to Osiris *1 day = click osiris, choose "be rude".

Woohoo *5 minutes

Deep sleep *6 hours 30 minutes  = click the mattress, select "deep sleep". (can be done earlier)

Be funny to Osiris = click alien, choose "be funny".

Play electronica on stereo *10 hours = click Stereo, select electronica.


I have already purchased the goods to spend 16,000 simoleons but why hasn't the task been completed?
Are you sure you only bought items at the electronic home store?

How do you make city weather rain or snow?
You can't do it. You can only change the season around the sim house using the weather machine.

I did not succeed in completing the Quest on time. can I repeat this quest?

Can I still get a prize even if I don't finish this quest on time?
No. The only way you can get this prize is to complete the quest on time

I don't like Queest. Can I Skip?
No. This is Main Quest which means the main quest from The Ims Freeplay. You don't want to want to finish it.

Why sometimes do I need a long time to do something, sometimes it also only takes a short time (for example "watch news" on the TV in sim A's house is faster than "watch news" at sim B house)?
Try to pay attention. Each item sold on the home store or all items in The Sims Freeplay has a star image on the right. it shows the rating of the item. Objects with 3 Stars will give a shorter time than objects with 1 star.

Why does the footprint appear on the sim head when I try to use an item (for example, click on TV, but instead the sim does not want to move and a footprint appears)?
That's because the position of the item is not right so the sim cannot access the item. Try to change its position and make sure there are no other objects around the item that dispel the sim to access the item.

How do I send a sim to City Park or to another destination?
Go to the city park or the place where you want to send the sim to the place. Click simtracker, and click the picture on the sim that you want to order to visit the city park or other place.