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How to Complete Sous Judgemental Quest

This quest will appear after you complete Preparing for Preteens Quest

Unlock Restaurant.

Time Limit: 3 days.

Get a chef outfits prize. if you can complete the quest for 3 days.

If you cannot complete this mission for 3 days, you can still complete the quest, but will not get the chef outfits.

Here's how to complete the Sous Judgment Quest The Sims Freeplay

Build the restaurant
= build a restaurant. You can renovate the restaurant as you wish! 

Call a sim to the restaurant = order sim to visit a restaurant.

Be nice to the Grouch *4 minutes = click on the green person in front of the restaurant, select "be nice".

Taste the Grouchs special dish *1 minute= click grouch, choose "taste special dish".

Complain to the Grouch *2 hours = click grouch, select "complain".

Call the first judge on a phone *3 minutes 12 seconds = click the phone, select "call judge".

Take Wumples order *5 minutes = click wumples, select "take order". (Wumples will come in your own house)

Cook any dish for Wumples *1 minute = Click the stove, select "cheese on toast".

Serve food to Wumples *10 minutes= click the Cheese on toast plate, select "serve wumples".

Call the second judge on a phone *3 minutes 12 seconds = click the phone, select "call judge".

Take Santas order *5 minutes = click santa, select "take order"

Cook pizza for Santa *40 minutes= Cook Pizza, (must be level 2 at cooking hobby, and have a microwave).

Serve food to Santa *10 minutes= click pizza, select "serve to santa".

Call the final judge on a phone *3 minutes 12 seconds = click the phone, select "call judge".

Take the Grouchs order *8 hours  = click Grouch, select "take order"

Make a quiche for the Grouch *4 hours = Cook Quiche. you have to level 4 at cooking hobby, and have a 2 star oven and fridge if you want to cook this food.

Serve food to Grouch *10 minutes = click Grouch, select "serve food"

Investigate what the Grouch dropped *5 minutes = In the sim house there will be an X, click the X mark. select "Dropped Item".

Make a mud pie *3 hours = Click the garden patch (which is usually used for planting), select "make mudpie"

Go to the restaurant = visit the restaurant.

Give mud pie to Grouch *4 hours = click grouch, select "give mudpie"

Open front door = click on the restaurant door, select "repair"


Can I build a restaurant early?
No, you can only build a restaurant when you are given the task to do it

Why can't I find Wumples / Santa / Grouch?
Try turning off the game, and turn it on again. They are usually in the sim house

Why can't I cook pizza?
You must be at level 2 in the hobby of cooking, and must have a microwave

Why can't I use Quiche?
You have to be at level 4 in cooking hobbies, and have a 2 star Stove

I did not succeed in completing the Quest on time. can I repeat this quest?

Can I still get a prize even if I don't finish this quest on time?
No. The only way you can get this prize is to complete the quest on time

I don't like Queest. Can I Skip?
No. This is Main Quest which means the main quest from The Ims Freeplay. You don't want to want to finish it.

Why sometimes do I need a long time to do something, sometimes it also only takes a short time (for example "watch news" on the TV in sim A's house is faster than "watch news" at sim B house)?
Try to pay attention. Each item sold on the home store or all items in The Sims Freeplay has a star image on the right. it shows the rating of the item. Objects with 3 Stars will give a shorter time than objects with 1 star.

Why does the footprint appear on the sim head when I try to use an item (for example, click on TV, but instead the sim does not want to move and a footprint appears)?
That's because the position of the item is not right so the sim cannot access the item. Try to change its position and make sure there are no other objects around the item that dispel the sim to access the item.

How do I send a sim to City Park or to another destination?
Go to the city park or the place where you want to send the sim to the place. Click simtracker, and click the picture on the sim that you want to order to visit the city park or other place.